Case Study: FH Beerworks

In August of 2020, I started working with a small craft brewery based in Colorado Springs, Colorado - FH Beerworks (formerly Fieldhouse Beerworks). At that point, they were selling about 800 BBLs in the retail market and came to me to double that sales volume. They knew that they wanted to increase sales, both on-site and in the wholesale channel, streamline their marketing activities, train up their sales rep, onboard new marketing help, put systems into place to keep growing and organize their infrastructure. They also had plans to open a cocktail bar onsite in addition to amping up taproom events and navigating the pandemic-stricken craft beer market.

I love a good challenge, so we dove in for 6 months and made great progress. But there was still work to be done, so they extended their contract with me for another 4 months so I could continue to get them set up for future success.

With the lack of a proper sales data analysis program in place, it was hard to gauge what sales were in the year prior to our partnership, but CE’s were well below 8,000 in the retail channel. Our 2020 goals were to hit 11,000+ CE’s, which we accomplished with some savvy strategizing in a very challenging market environment.

We then started planning for 2021 and set some very aggressive taproom sales and wholesale sales goals that would boost revenue by about 52%. If they continue along their current path they should wind up just shy of our 19,000+ CE goal by the end of 2021, with even bigger plans to hit 30,000+ CE’s in 2022. That would increase their off-site sales revenue by another 65% next year.

Outside of just plain sales numbers, we also developed a streamlined strategic business plan for the entire organization, improved their human resources department, organized staff communication, developed new sales and marketing materials, onboarded new marketing personnel, executed a brand refresh, identified expansion plans, developed product release schedules and SOPs for sales and marketing, transitioned their taproom manager to Director of Operations, and worked on plans for opening a whiskey lounge on their property to diversify their income streams.

I felt very honored to get to partner with the FH Beerworks team and with their permission, have put together a case study based on our time together. If you want to see more details about how we reached thises aggressive goals, hit the link below to download the case study.

If you like what you see, please book a call with me to discuss how we can take your craft beverage organization from stressed to streamlined.